- Publisher: Town office Hradec nad Moravicí
- Year of publishment: 2009
- Pages: 23
- Size: 21×21 cm
- Colour editor. Illustrator, Pavel Bosák
- Edited: 1.
- Languages: Czech, English
- Binding: folded
- Number of copies: 300
- Printer: Retis Group,LtD.
The catalogue Around Us in Us was printed to the same called exhibition of Irena Jůzová in the Town gallery in Hradec nad Moravicí from 2. nd October till 15th November 2009. In the catalogue, there are presented objects from nanofibers and glassfibers, X rays pictures of the author and drawings. In the written part there was chosen a quotation of Tomáše Poszpiszyl's expert text which was used during the habilitation procedure of Irena Jůzová at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in 2008.
Available: town Hradec nad Moravicí, Irena Jůzová