Solo exhibitions

dépliant: Benátky's canvas

The catalogue was published to the solo exhibition called the Benátky's canvas in the main hall of the interactive gallery Becher's Villa, on 12. – 21.October 2012. In the catalogue, there are colour reproductions, an interview of Božena Vachudová with Irena Jůzová and the author's text Veils of Martina Vítková. The catalogues includes the information about the exhibition and accompanying programmes of the Irena's exhibition in Letohrádek Ostrov in 2013.

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dépliant: 16599

Katalog 16599 byl vydán ke stejnojmenné samostatné výstavě Ireny Jůzové v Galerii Klatovy Klenová, zámek Klenová, Janovice nad Úhlavou uskutečněné 5. června 2011 – 31. července 2011. V katalogu jsou barevné reprodukce, vizualizace a text kurátora výstavy prof. PhDr. Tomáše Vlčka CSc. ředitele Sbírky moderního a současného umění Národní galerie v Praze.

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catalogue: Irena Jůzová Around Us in Us

The catalogue Around Us in Us was printed to the same called exhibition of Irena Jůzová in the Town gallery in Hradec nad Moravicí from 2. nd October till 15th November 2009. In the catalogue, there are presented objects from nanofibers and glassfibers, X rays pictures of the author and drawings. In the written part there was chosen a quotation of Tomáše Poszpiszyl's expert text which was used during the habilitation procedure of Irena Jůzová at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in 2008.

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double sided print to the exhibition : Irena Jůzová Skin

Double sided print with the name Irena Jůzová Skin was published to the exhibition with the same name in the Gallery in the Chapel in Bruntál, from10.June till 18. October 2009. At the double sided print there is Irena's black and white photo from Jaroslav Brabec and a colour photo from the author's archive with the detail of the central showcase with the skin in cylindric showcase installed in the Czechoslowakian Pavillon during the 52nd exhibition of the contemporary art in Venice Italy. The photography is accompanied by the text of Prof. PhDr. Tomáš Vlček CSc. as the curator of the Irena's project Collection Series at the biennial in Venice, Italy.

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double sided print to the exhibition: Irena Jůzová S.Y.T. Projection

Double sided print with the name Irena Jůzová S.Y.T. Projection was published to the Irena's exhibition under the same name in the Art House Opava from 28th November till 28 December 2008. There is a drawing of Irena Jůzová and a colour photography of the large-projection Red room (2008). Photographies are accompanied by the text PhDr. Jiří Machalický.

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double sided print to the exhibition: Irena Jůzová S.Y.T. Drawings

Double sided print with the name Irena Jůzová S.Y.T. Drawings was published to the Irena's exhibition under the same name in the Gallery Mázhaus in Pardubice from 3rd June till 27 July 2008. There are two drawing of Irena Jůzová and a colour photography of the large-projection Grey room (2008). Photographies are accompanied by the text Tomáš Pospizsyl in the translation of Kacha Kastner.

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catalogue: Metropolitan Reality

The catalogue Metropolitan Reality was published to the Irena's and Štěpánka Šimlová´s exhi­bition under the same name in the Wortner's House of Aleš' South Bohemian Gallery from 28th October till 4th December 2005. Ath the exhibition there were presented two independent author's projects the Inner landscapes {2005] by Štěpánka Šimlová and the Series (2005) by Irena Jůzová. In the catalogue, Štěpánka Šimlová is presented by eight coloured reproductions of digital manipulations, Irena Jůzová is represented by nine drawings and thirty five reproductions of her works (2001–2005). This is accompanied by two texts of Vlastimil Tetiva dealing with the authors' works.

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dépliant: Find Your Style…

The dépliant with the name Irena Jůzová Find Your Style was published to the Irena's exhibition under the same name in the Gallery Ceasar in Olomouc from 3rd February till 27th February 2004. In the dépliant, there are four coloured reproductions of Irena's work accompanied by the text Tomáš Pospizsyl in translation of Jeffrey A. Buehler.

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double sided print to the exhibition- Transmitter

Double sided print with the name Irena Jůzová The Emitter was published to the Irena's exhibition under the same name in the Gallery of Modern Art in Hradec Králové from 14th September till 5th November 2008. There are reproduced five drawings of Irena Jůzová and two black and white photographies which are accompanied by comments of the expert curators who react on the works of Irena Jůzová ( Martina Pachmanová, Pavel Liška, Lucie Jandová, Hana Vašovičková, Ivona Raimanová).

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catalogue: ZOLLO

The catalogue ZOLLO Irena Jůzová byl vydán ke stejnojmenné výstavě Ireny Jůzové uspořádané v Galerii mladých U dobrého pastýře v Brně v termínu od 18. prosince do 23. ledna 1998. Katalog zahrnuje 3 barevné reprodukce díla Místa – prostory (1997), 3 černobílé reprodukce díla Místa – prostory (1997) a dvě reprodukce kreseb k objektu Láska, náklonnost, destruktivita a krutost (1997) Ireny Jůzové.

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